Italian Roots and Genealogy
This podcast is dedicated to Italian Genealogy, finding your Italian Roots and how to navigate through Italian records. Your host has over 12 years of experience and we will have excellent guests that will discuss a variety of genealogy topics. Please subscribe!
Italian Roots and Genealogy
What are the best small towns to visit in Tuscany?
Bob Sorrentino
Season 6
Episode 13
Ilene and Gary Modica, residents of Lucca for 4 years give us some of their favorite places in Tuscany to visit. You can find all 31 in their latest book "Tuscany Treasures". https://amzn.to/43q8LL0 #tuscanytravel #lucca
Tuscany TreasuresUncover the hidden gems of Tuscany with this vibrant guidebook. Get town highlights and more.
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